The Keynote Speakers

Prof. Tan Puay Hoon
Senior Consultant Pathologist, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
Prof. Tan Puay Hoon, Chairman, Division of Pathology and Senior Consultant, Department of Anatomical Pathology at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) enjoys the rare distinction of being the first woman from Singapore to be a volume editor of the World Health Organisation’s Classification of Tumours of the Breast.
In addition Prof. Tan Puay Hoon has can also be credited with being the first Chairman of the Division of Pathology at one of Singapore’s leading hospitals.
She has active interests in breast, urologic and renal pathology, and was a Volume Editor of the 2012 WHO Classification of Tumours of the Breast.

Prof. Jason Hornick
Director of Surgical Pathology, and Director of the Immunohistochemistry Laboratory at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Jason Hornick trained as a resident in Anatomic Pathology and pursued subspecialty fellowships in soft tissue pathology and gastrointestinal pathology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where he is now the Director of Surgical Pathology and Director of Immunohistochemistry. He is a Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School and a consultant at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
Prof. Hornick is Chair of the USCAP Education Committee, past Chair of the USCAP Abstract Review Board and Assignment Committee, and past Chair of the Immunohistochemistry Committee for the CAP.

Prof. Elizabeth Murchison
Group Leader, Reader in Comparative Oncology and Genetics, Wellcome Trust Investigator, University of Cambridge, Department of Veterinary Medicine, United Kingdom.
Prof. Elizabeth Murchison is Reader in Comparative Oncology and Genetics at the University of Cambridge, Department of Veterinary Medicine. Her research group works on transmissible cancers in dogs and Tasmanian devils.
Prof. Murchison grew up in Tasmania and performed her undergraduate studies in genetics and biochemistry at the University of Melbourne. In 2009, she was awarded an NHMRC Overseas Biomedical Fellowship to travel to the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK, where she was involved in sequencing the Tasmanian devil genome as well as genetic analysis of Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) and CTVT. Prof. Murchison moved to the University of Cambridge, Department of Veterinary Medicine in 2013.

Prof. Brian P. Schmidt
Vice-Chancellor and President, The Australian National University
2011 Nobel Laureate Physics
Professor Brian P. Schmidt was appointed Vice-Chancellor and President of The Australian National University (ANU) in January 2016.
Professor Schmidt is the 12th Vice-Chancellor of The Australian National University (ANU). Winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics, Professor Schmidt was an astrophysicist at the ANU Mount Stromlo Observatory and Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics before becoming Vice-Chancellor.
Professor Schmidt received undergraduate degrees in Astronomy and Physics from the University of Arizona in 1989, and completed his Astronomy Master’s degree (1992) and PhD (1993) from Harvard University. Under his leadership, in 1998, the High-Z Supernova Search team made the startling discovery that the expansion rate of the Universe is accelerating. Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, The United States Academy of Science, and the Royal Society, he was made a Companion of the Order of Australia in 2013.