Attendees’ Feedback on December 2024 Master Class presented by Dr Touraj Taheri (Please try to answer all questionnaire) Full Name (optional)Email address (optional)1. Master Class Timing(Required)Please indicate whether you found the timing of the Master Class (5.00PM Sydney time) convenient to attend. Very convenient Somewhat convenient Just right Somewhat inconvenient Very inconvenient Other If you answered 'other' to the previous question please indicate your preferred timings2. Master Class Topic(Required)Please indicate your overall satisfaction of the Presentation Topic covered by the Speaker Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neutral Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 3. Contents of the presentation(Required)How did you find the Contents of the Presentation? Just right Not quite enough Insufficient Too much 4. What did you most like about the Speaker's presentation?5. Q&A section(Required)How did you find the Q&A section? Very useful Somewhat useful Neutral Not useful 9. Can you tell us the reason why you attended this Master Class?6. Did you find attending the Master Class beneficial(Required) Very beneficial Somewhat beneficial Neutral Not beneficial 7. Overall how would you rate the Master Class? (please rate from 1 to 5 keeping 1 as the best)(Required) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. Future Master Classes of the Australasian Division of the IAP(Required)Are you likely to attend further Master Classes organised by the IAP? Yes Maybe No 9. Comments (optional)Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve in future or what you require from our future Master Classes?10. About you(Required)What is your level of experience? Registrar/Fellow Consultant 1-5 years in practice Consultant > 5 years in practice AboutAbout Us Objectives Board of Directors Past Presidents Past Secretaries Past Treasurers Companion Club Convenors Distinguished Pathologists Robin Cooke Medal IAP Grants In Pathology for Medical Schools Annual Scientific Meetings ASM Past Speakers and Convenors ASM Past Master Class Speakers History of the IAP-Australasian Division based on Newsletters Vincent McGovern Lectures AGM Reports